Thursday 7 June 2007

Storytime with Microwave

Sitting at work browsing the SomethingAwful forums is something I do basically every day. THIS particular day, however, I had the good fortune to stumble upon this thread.

It was originally a challenge to draw couches in their natural environment, but got incredibly derailed when Microwave began to post a series of pictures depicting a story that progressed according to the directions of other forum members. This is the result... (Relevant quotes included).

Dig in the cushions and see if you can get any equipment.


Move left!

Search the drawers!

Check the pot for hidden stash!


Is it some kind of brochure or a cell phone?

Break off the top of the tree and use it as a green hat.
Set everything on fire.

Doesn't make sense, go left.

Try talking to the beet! In sign language.

Looks to me like something that needs to be kicked.

Looks more like a trans-dimensional portal to me. Go in.

Bang on the door!

Melt the steel door.

And create a large sword to go with your bush helmet.

Go right and see if there's something you can stab.

Push the button, then ask to be buzzed in.

Fuck Couchopia! Curbstomp that motherfucking box!

The box has clearly angered us! Use the sword to take the bitch down!

Eat a zesty nachos.

Carve up the box, he needs a mighty suit of armor.

Use the nacho as a surfboard.

To the right! The cushions must be found (and burned)!

The only choice is to check the cushions, take them, then burn the rest.

Give the couch your shrub hat. He clearly wants it, as it matches him.

Hit pause and find out the no-clip code on GameFAQs.

I think it's time for an ice cold Bud! As soon as we save, of course. Who knows where this party's going!

Well, if we're cheating, use the code ~couch_potato to get the secret weapon.

Say something witty before shooting it.

Using no_clip go fly through some walls until we see the princess or end boss so we can beat the game.

Take her crown. Then declare yourself ruler of this world.

Princess has a touch of the Down's I see, so I think you should be nice and take her crown for safekeeping and then give her a delicious potato, the only way you know how.

Powerhouse-kick her in the throat, then dive into her portal mouth.


I think it's time to do the e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-electric slide.

Pop bloodrage and mortal strike the door. (Unfortunately, Microwave doesn't seem to play WoW).

Step back through the portal. (Can't, it's solid).

Drink whatever's in that bottle. Maybe it will make you big!

What the fuck? Eat the bowling pin.

Make stilts from the ladder and move ahead right.

Stick your head in any one of those slots.


Punch yourself in the face for making such a grievous error.

Well, since we're damn cheaters:


Quick, insert the green cushion before someone tells you to do something utterly stupid again!

Insert a red cushion! And search the red couch for healing items, you're still bleeding! Quick!

There's no way that machine can tell what color cushion you are putting in it, just put all the cushions from the red couch in the holes and see what happens.

Great! Now go through the door!

Oh dear. Form the pieces into something; be creative.

Grab the piece that looks like a paper plane, make one of the other pieces into a little paper pilot and have him be your escort in this new frontier.

Does your escort see anything outside the frame that looks interesting? We should follow him there if so.

Peel the paper up. Is there anything interesting underneath it? (Nope)

Draw a face on little dude, he's pretty creepy as is.

Keep going right!

Don this set of armour, rise to your rightful place as hero and saviour of this world of fractions.